Section: New Results

Multi-scale models and analysis: from cells to plant architecture (and back)

Transport model in roots

Participants : Mikaël Lucas [IRD] , Christophe Pradal, Christophe Godin, Christophe Maurel [BPMP] .

This research theme is supported by the ANR project HydroRoot.

A model of Arabidopsis thaliana root hydraulics at the cellular level was developped in the OpenAlea modeling platform. The model relies on the integration throughout root architecture of elementary hydraulic components. Each component integrates local radial and axial water flows. Axial hydraulic conductivity is calculated according to Poiseuille’s law, based on local size of xylem vessels. Radial hydraulic conductivity is determined in part by aquaporin activity and was set constant throughout root architecture in the first model versions. In its current state, the model is parameterized using architectural, tissular and physiological data that were experimentally determined in the Aquaporin group at BPMP. The architectural reconstruction of the root system is based on a tridimensional multi-scale tree graph (MTG). The current model is capable of predicting the water flow that is transported by a root system in the standard experimental conditions used in the Aquaporin group. This model was used to perform sensitivity analyses and determine the respective contributions to root hydraulic dynamics of various biological parameters (axial and radial hydraulic conductivites, root architecture). One major finding is that the root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr) computed from the model is highly dependent on root architecture. This is due to the limiting role of axial (xylem) conductance, one feature that had been neglected in previous representations of root water transport. The radial hydraulic conductivity may primarily be limiting in conditions of Lpr inhibition, since its increase from values in control roots has marginal effects on Lpr. A new set of experimental data including root diameter repartitions in wild-type plants, and xylem vessel diameters in mutants with altered xylem morphology (irx3, esk1) will be used to implement the model. Root cell hydraulic conductivities will also be measured in these and aquaporin mutant phenotypes. Our aim is to check whether, based on anatomical and morphological data, the model can properly predict the radial hydraulic conductivity of these genotypes.

Transport in fruits

Participants : Mik Cieslak, Nadia Bertin [Inra, Avignon] , Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, Michel Genard [Inra, Avignon] , Christophe Goz-Bac [Université Montpellier 2] .

This research theme is supported by the Agropolis project Fruit3D.

Understanding the controlling factors of fruit quality development is challenging, because fruit quality results from the interplay between physical and physiological processes that are under the control of genes and the environment. Although process-based models have been used to make significant progress in understanding these factors, they ignored to a large extent the shape and internal structure of the fruit.

Two essential functions in determining fruit quality are the transport and accumulation of water and dry matter to various fruit tissues. Since water and carbon are delivered to fruit tissues through a complex vasculature system, the internal fruit structure and pattern of vasculature may have a significant impact on their distribution within the fruit.

To help characterizing effects of fruit shape and internal structure on quality, the creation of a 3D virtual fruit model that integrates fruit structure and function with growth governed by environmental inputs has been investigated. For this, a modeling pipeline has been developed that includes the following steps: creation of a 3D volumetric mesh of the internal fruit structure, including vasculature (see section 4 ). Based on previous compartment models of fruit physiology developed at Avignon, we have then developed models of water and carbon transport that have been coupled with the 3D model of fruit. In the 3D model, different equations are describing the transport between adjacent regions of the fruit represented as a 3D mesh. The integration through space and time is carried out using a standard integration scheme (Runge-Kutta of order 4).

This approach has been applied to study tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum) by constructing 3D volumetric meshes from different sources (images of perpendicular fruit slices and MRI data), and integrating water and carbon transport processes into these meshes. To illustrate the tomato model, a simulation of one season of the fruit’s growth has been performed and its results compared with an already published process-based tomato fruit model. We first showed that the classical results of the abstract process-based models could be also captured by the more detailed spatialized model. However, our model provides additional information on the internal heterogeneity of the fruit, such as a gradient in sugar concentration. Once the model is calibrated and evaluated, our approach will be suitable for studying the effects of internal fruit heterogeneity and overall shape on fruit quality development.

Figure 5. Virtual models of peaches reconstructed from images with simulated vasculatur to simulate carbon and water transport in the fruit

Analazing shoot and leaf elongation

Participants : Maryline Lièvre, Yann Guédon, Christine Granier.

The analysis of phenotyping data coming from automated platforms such as PHENOPSIS often focuses on the growth of a leaf at a given rank along the stem. We aim at developing a pipeline of methods for analyzing the growth of arabidopsis shoot at three scales:

  1. tissular scale using a probabilistic model of endoreduplication for modeling the distribution of the leaf epidermis cell surfaces. Endoreduplication, which is a replication of the nuclear genome in the absence of cell division that leads to elevated nuclear gene content, strongly affects the leaf epidermis cells of arabidopsis.

  2. organ scale using nonlinear regression model for analyzing the growth of each successive leaf.

  3. shoot scale: The outputs of the analyses at the tissular and organ scales will be summarized as multivariate sequences along the shoots characterizing each successive leaf. These sequences will be augmented by supplementary morphological variables characterizing leaf shape and properties (e.g. presence/absence of trichomes). These sequences will be globally analyzed in order to take into account plant ontogeny and in particular the successive developmental stages before the floral transition for the wild type and selected mutants of arabidopsis.

Analyzing perturbations in Arabidopsis thaliana phyllotaxis

Participants : Christophe Godin, Yann Guédon, Yassin Refahi, Etienne Farcot.

This research theme is supported by iSAM.

The cytokinin hormones are known to play a significant role in the regulation of phyllotaxis. To investigate this, Fabrice Besnard and Teva Vernoux are studying Arabidopsis thaliana ahp6 mutants, AHP6 being a protein known for its inhibitory effect in the cytokinin signaling pathway. At the macroscopic scale, this mutation induces perturbations of the phyllotaxis, barely sensible on single plants. In order to characterize these perturbations, we designed a pipeline of models and methods which relies of combinatorial and statistical techniques. Using this pipeline of methods, we have shown that the perturbation patterns in both wild-type and mutant plants can be explained by permutations in the order of insertion along the stem of 2 or 3 consecutive organs. The number of successive synchronized organs between two permutations reveals unexpected patterns that depend on the nature of the preceding permutation (2- or 3-permutation). We identified significant individual deviations of the level of baseline segments with reference to 137.5°, which confirms theoretical model predictions. Finally, we highlighted a marked relationship between permutation of organs and defects in the elongation of the internodes in between these organs. All these results can be explained by the absence of a strict coupling between the timing of organ development and their angular and longitudinal position on the stem. Two papers (one with biological aspects and the other about methodological developments) are currently in revision.